The Bloody Goal of Passhendaele Ridge, once achieved, was promptly abandoned and a quiet ignominious retreat followed.
As far as the 277th RFA was concerned, it is my belief that this where my Grandfather Henry Hunt was gassed, He was probably one of the lucky ones. The graveyards of Brandhoek contain too many bodies of his fellow Gunners.
Below I give a copy of the War diaries for June, July and August 1917. As far as I am aware there is no other digital copy of them elsewhere (I hope I am wrong!). The original diary entries are missing from the National Archive Records for the 277th. I obtained photocopies from the RFA museum when it was at Woolwich. I'm not sure where the records are now.
The records by themselves are interesting to those who have been on the ground, or are experts on the subject, but can be a bit dry for those who are new to the subject. They cover the periods of the Battle of Messines and the first monthe of the Battle of Passchendaele. In the next few posts I will try to explain where the 277th were, what they were trying to do, and what happened to some of the men involved.
This is my way of paying tribute to these poor brave men. I hope it is also a warning to those who have power over men's lives. General Haig will always be remembered as the 'Butcher of Passchendaele', despite all the apologists' words. I am reminded of the line from Julius Caesar 'The evil that men do lives after them;'
![]() |
One of the many graveyards around the town of Ypres. This one is near the Lille Gate |
That evil may be witnessed in the thousands of graves which surround the little town of Ypres in Flanders, Belgium. Many of the graves of the men of the 277th can be found at Brandhoek cemeteries (qv) The good we can do is remembering the sacrifice these men made, and the suffering of the wounded. The hidden suffering of the families is often forgotten - though I never knew my Grandfather, his injuries meant an early death, his children growing up without a father, relative poverty, and few opportunities for the clever boy who became my father. Yes the First World War is still relevant today.
277th Army Brigade RFA War Diary
(Messines and early Passchendaele)
Gas have been left where the writing is illegible, or a ? question mark insertedJune 1917 Sheet 1
1st 2nd
Lieut R R McCartney returned from course at Second …......... in Artillery
2nd Lieut JJ Dawson …................... on course at
Second Army Signal School.
2nd Capt F F Bragley B/277 Battery , returned
from 10 days leave in the UK
8th 2nd Lieut A J Garry (?) C/277 Battery
wounded in action admitted to hospital and struck off strength.
11th 2nd Lieut A Sketch C/277th Battery Granted
10 days leave in the UK
Major J O M
Williams DSO D/277 Battery assumed command of the Brigade.
vice Lieut
Col J E C J Cochrane DSO To officers Red
Lieut L Talbot
A/277 Battery admitted by hospital
12th 2nd Lieut W Allen A/277 struck off the
strength with effect from 19/2/1917 having been
indirectly (?)
boarded in England. Authority A G Advd (?) GHQ D/4075/2
Lieut W G
McCanley A/277 and 2nd Lieut W N O'Neill D/277 wounded in action, and
admitted to
hospital (struck of the strength)
14th On the night of 14th/15th B/277 and C/277
relieved B/72 and C/72 in the line.
15th On the night of 15th/16th A/277 and D/277
relieved A/72 and D/72 in the line.
All the
batteries came under command of Lieut Col Cardew ''A Group''
MOATED GRANGE O 1a. 60.35 (sheet 26 NW)
Gun positions
A/277 O2 b 65. 15 (?) B/277 I32 c 50. 40
(?) C/277 I 32 d 05.00
D/277 I 32 c
The Wagon Lines of the Brigade all at about M
4 b
Major MT Bibby (?) A/277 battery Granted 10 days leave to UK
Lieut Col N P R Preeston (?) A/277 Battery RFA (from 24D AC) assumed
command of the
Brigade vice
Major Williams DSO vice Lieut Col JECJ Cochrane DSO
Major JC
Williams DSO re-assumes command of D/277 Battery
Sheet 2 (277th Army
Brigade RFA)
June 1917
21st The
Brigade exchange Wagon Lines with the 52nd Army Brigade RFA at about N 3 c
(Sheet 28)
2nd Lieut RR
McCartney B/277 Battery Granted 10 days leave to the UK
Lieut (Temp
Capt) JJJ Bell (?) MC Bde Amm Col posted to 315th Army BDE RFA
23rd On
the nights 23/24 and 25/26th batteries moved out of action to respective wagon
lines at
N 3 C A/277 relieved by A/190 D277 relieved by
D/190 B/277 and C/277 left
Lieut Col JECJ Cochrane returned from Officers Red Station and
re-assumed command of the
Lieut Col NPR
Preeston RFA relinquished command of
the Brigade and proceeded to take
over command
26th 2nd Lieut GS
Hodgkinson posted to A/277 battery vice Lieut L Talbot to hospital
2nd Lieut RPE
Roberts posted to D/277 vice 2nd Lieut WND Hull to hospital
27th 2nd Lieut N
Morgan Bde Amm Col Granted 10 days leave to UK
27th 2nd Lieut SH
Graham joins the Brigade and posted to A/277 battery
2nd Lieut GW
Pye joins the Brigade and attached to A/277 battery
2nd Lieut EB
Quibell joins the Brigade and attached
to C/277 battery
Lieut L Talbot
re-joined from hospital and attached Bde Amm Col
28th The Brigade moves
from N 3 c to about M4 n 8 . 5 (Sheet 29)
July 1917
2nd 2nd Lieut JE Alexander RFA, joined the
Brigade, and attached to D/277 battery
5th 6
other ranks (re-inforcements) joined the Brigade from the Base.
6th 2nd
Lieut DA Gardner RFA B/277 Battery, promoted Lieutenant with precedence from
1/1/16 vide London Gazette at
685028 BQMS Matthews C/277 battery. Awarded DCM for gallantry in the
2nd Lieut RPE Roberts D/277 battery, 2nd Lieut JA Milne
RFA D/277 battery + 2nd Lt W M Hill
Awarded the
Military Cross for gallantry in the Field on June 7th, June 4th and June 12th
8th The
'Brigade' moved into the II Corps, Fifth Army, and attached the the 8th
Divisional Artillery for
purposes. Administered by II Corps RA.
Location as
follows:- (Sheet 28) Hd Qrs G 22 b
3.9 'A' Battery G 17 d 8.4 'B” Battery G 17 d 1.6
'C' Battery G 17
c 1.1 'D' Battery G 22 b 9.9 Bde Amm Col G 22 b 6.3
Lieut W C McCauley RFA Rejoined the Brigade and posted to 'A' Battery
10th BSM
Hall posted to the Brigade from the 26th BAC and posted to C/277
11th 5
Reinforcements (other ranks)joined the Brigade from the Base
13th 2nd
Lieut DA Harvey RFA (Adjutant), promoted
Lieutenant with precedence from 1/6/16 (vide
14th 2nd
Lieut AJ Whelan joined the Brigade, on appointment to Commissioned Rank and
attached to
'C' Battery
16th 63427 Sgt Saunders JA 'A' Battery, awarded the 'Military Medal' for
gallantry in the Field
14th 'A'
and 'B' batteries ordered into action with “C” Group 8th Divisional Artillery
Gun positions:
Sheet 28, I 16 a 11.40 'A' Battery, I 15 b 44.40
'B' Battery
19th 2nd
Lieut HJ Sketch RFA C/277 retained in England whilst on leave and struck off
AG D/4223)
Capt (a Major) AH Bibby RFA 'A' Battery promoted Major with precedence
from 1/6/16 (vide London Gazette)
20th 2nd Lieut J Lock RFA joined the Brigade on
appointment to first commission and posted to 'A'
277th Army Brigade RFA
War Diary
July 1917
Lieut WC McCauley RFA 'A' Battery. Awarded the 'Military Cross' for
conspicuous gallantry in
the field.
24th 2nd
Lieut (/ Lieut) JH Hudson RFA 'D' Battery, promoted Lieut with precedence from
London Gazette)
24th 20
(other ranks) reinforcements joined from the Base (signallers)
27th 2nd
Lieut AS Edge RFA 'B' Battery promoted Lieut with precedence from London
Gazette (vide
2nd Sheet (dates as indicated –
reason for the discontinuity not known)
7th Lieut EV Pratt RFA 'C' Battery proceeded on
leave to UK
2nd Lieut RPE
Roberts D/277 proceeded on leave to UK
11th 2nd Lieut HR Pratt BAC proceeded on leave
to UK
Capt CP Rimmer
D/277 proceeded on leave to UK
13th Lieut DA Gardner RFA B/277 proceeded on
leave to UK
Lieut WC McCauley RFA A/277 proceeded on leave to UK
Capt M Ravenscroft MC proceeded on leave to UK
31st Lieut Col JSCJ Cochrane DSO RFA carried
out the duties of Senior Liaison Officer for the
Artillery Group
8th Divisional
Artillery attacked the enemy in Railway Wood, 'A' and 'B' Batteries
be attached to
'C' Group 8th DA, 'C' and 'D' Batteries supplied 3 guns and 2 Hwrs respectively
'guns of
opportunity' to forward and operate.
Capt CG Ashton
RFA joined from the Base and attached to 'C' Battery
Casualties Personnel
24th 2nd Lieut GS Hodgkinson RFA 'A' Battery killed in action
2nd Lieut WG Pye RFA 'A' Battery killed in action
Capt WS Durward
MC 'A' Battery wounded in action
12 other ranks
killed in action during month
35 other ranks
wounded in action during month
Casualties Horses
15 horses killed by shell fire during month
August 1917 Reninghelst
339321 Pte A Roberts (RAMC) A/277 awarded the Military Medal for
2nd 'C'
and 'D' Batteries relieved B/232 and D/232 in the line. Became 'B' Group under
Artillery. Gun positions: 'C' Battery I 16 c 45.05, 'C' Battery I 16 c 9.
154766 Sgt DJ West, 'B' Battery. Awarded the Military Medal for
gallantry in the field.
Lieut JA Milne D/277 battery. To be Lieut with precedence from 1/6/16 (vide London Gazette)
Lieut JH Hudson D/277 Battery. Awarded the 'Military Cross' for
gallantry in the field
100393 Sgt TB
Murray late D/277 Battery awarded DCM for gallantry in the field
687129 Bdr HW
Dixon D/277 Battery Awarded the Military Medal for gallantry in the field.
13th Lieut DA Harvey to be acting Captain
whilst holding the appointment (with pay and allowance of
with effect from 3/5/17
Lieut WC
McCauley A/277 Battery. To be Acting Captain, whilst second in command of 6 gun
battery (A/277)
Capt (a/Major) AW Gossage C/277. Awarded Military Cross for Gallantry in
the Field
transferred to 18th Div Artillery Group
Guns of 281st Brigade RFA taken over by 277th Brigade
Brigade came
under orders of 8th Div Artillery for tactical purposes
Major AH Bibby A/277 Battery assumed temporary command of the Brigade vice
Cochrane DSO
granted 10 leave UK
685110 Sgt H Smith and 685698 Sgt Harrison
S of C/277 battery Awarded Military Medal for
Gallantry in
the Field
25th The
Brigade moved to NOORDPEENE en route to St MOMELIN AREA
26th The
Brigade moved from NOORDPEENE to St Momelin area and occupied billets in St
Rations were supplied by 5th Corps Troops Supply Column
Ammunition Park Section and Supply Column came under orders of 'O' Corps
Ammunition Park
V Corps
lorries moved to WATTEN
Casualties during month: Personnel
Officers: 2nd Lt AJ Whelan C/277 Gassed and admitted to
O/R killed (GSW) 14;
killed (Gassed) 5
O/R wounded (GSW) 53;
wounded (Gassed) 18
Horses and Mules
Killied 22 LD and Mules by hostile fire